Webinar | Latest Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Technology for Greener Brake Rotors
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- Webinar | Latest Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Technology for Greener Brake Rotors -

Webinar | Latest Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Technology for Greener Brake Rotors

Discover how the innovative Smart ONC® solution effectively addresses particulate emissions from braking systems to meet Euro 7 standards. Our webinar delves deep into the impact of new electromobility requirements on particulate matter (PM) and particulate number (PN) pollution, with a specific focus on emissions from brake rotors.

Leveraging extensive research investments, Nitrex has successfully enhanced the properties of nitrocarburized surfaces on cast and steel parts, particularly grey cast iron brake rotors. The application of Smart ONC® emerges as a superior, cost-effective, and eco-friendly solution for manufacturers seeking to extend brake rotor lifespan and significantly reduce pollution in both passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

Explore the profound effects on critical mechanical and chemical properties, and learn about the furnace line that seamlessly integrates into semi- or fully-automated production, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future. 

Key highlights of this episode include:
  • Explore the latest solutions for minimizing brake system pollution
  • Examine how Smart ONC® enhances the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of gray cast iron brake rotors
  • Understand how to take a holistic approach to large-scale manufacturing including quality control and cost control
  • Review Nitrex’s semi and fully automated heat-treating cell for high-volume GCI brake rotors production

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Smart ONC® is setting new benchmarks in wear and corrosion protection for brake rotors. Delve deeper into this cutting-edge advancement.