Processes - Nitrex

- Processes -

NITREG® is a modern heat-treating process, capable of meeting the metallurgical requirements of all nitriding specifications

Nitreg®-C is based on the proven Nitreg® potential-controlled nitriding technology, whose ability to control processes and produce the desired properties

As an alternative to gas nitriding, nitriding plasma (ion) nitriding process has been developed to overcome the shortcomings of the earlier traditional uncontrolled gas nitriding processes

It is a thermal process of simultaneously diffusing both carbon and nitrogen into ferrous alloys under partial pressure.

Hardening is one of the oldest metallurgical processes known to man, originally in the form of heating a sword in the fire and then throwing it into the lake to make it harder.

Tempering is almost always required after hardening (both in an atmosphere furnace as well as in vacuum, as described further)

The main purpose will usually be an improvement and homogenization of the grain structure.