Processes - Nitrex

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Reliable solutions for all your heat treatments needs

  • Other Surface Treatments

    Glass Beading

    The surface of metal components may be cleaned by impingement of a jet of glass beads. Nitrex will use this technique occasionally when sand blasting would be considered too rough.   Not sure which process or service is right for you? Contact our global team of heat treat experts and let them guide you or fill out the contact form to put you in touch with one of our experts!
  • Other Surface Treatments

    Shot Blasting or Peening

    When tiny steel balls are used the process of blasting parts using this medium will be called shot blasting or peening. Jets of shot are aimed at components while they tumble in a rotating chamber. Some differentiate between “blasting” or “peening”, but the process is the same, nevertheless. The former expression is used when the objective is to clean the parts or remove sharp edges, while the latter indicates a desire to mechanically compress the surface layer of the material. In this manner compressive stresses are introduced which in most cases will improve the fatigue resistance of the component.   Not sure which process or service is right for you? Contact our global team of heat treat experts and let them guide you or fill out the contact form to put you in touch with one of our experts!
  • Other Surface Treatments

    Sand Blasting

    Sand blasting is used primarily to remove rust, paint, scale or significant blemishes on the surface of components. Depending on the need, the technique is used either before heat treatment (preparation) or after (e.g., removal of oxidation).   Not sure which process or service is right for you? Contact our global team of heat treat experts and let them guide you or fill out the contact form to put you in touch with one of our experts!
  • Other Surface Treatments

    Cryogenic Treatment/Freezing

    After a successful quench and temper, it is frequently desirable to subject the work piece to a cryogenic treatment, also referred to as freezing (or sub-zero freezing). This process induces carbide particles to precipitate into voids in the iron lattice, thus creating a denser, more stabilized structure that reduces friction, wear and thermal softening. Summary of Benefits:
    • Conversion of retained austenite (soft) into martensite (hard)
    • Increased strength, toughness, stability and durability
    • Increased density of the steel structure
    • Lower coefficient of friction
    • Decreased residual stresses and brittleness
    • Significantly improved abrasive wear resistance
      Not sure which process or service is right for you? Contact our global team of heat treat experts and let them guide you or fill out the contact form to put you in touch with one of our experts!
  • Other Surface Treatments


    Certain types of components, particularly longer objects such as shafts, tend to distort in high temperature treatment. In most cases they can be successfully straightened using special hydraulic presses.   Not sure which process or service is right for you? Contact our global team of heat treat experts and let them guide you or fill out the contact form to put you in touch with one of our experts!

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